Saturday, July 20, 2013

Review Roundup

Heya homies! Well, I thought I've been reviewed by some of my favorite blogs and am so blown away at the response to Don't Trust the Cut. I'm sure I've gushed like this a million times but I just really want everyone to know how much I appreciate that you gave Tucker & Jesse a shot and ended up falling in love. Since the release I hear from people who loved the story for their relationship or Jesse's struggle or for the way I treated the character Alison, but even best is how people connected to Tucker. I was nervous about how people would respond to my treatment of his self-harming back story and it's a very personal part of my history so I hoped I got it across with some sensitivity and understanding. I'm so pleased and thank all of you who've reached out to me about that aspect of the story. I'm ever so humbled by all of your kind words. And even moreso every time someone reads this story.

So anyways, I'm doing a big roundup of all of the blog reviews I've been made aware of so anyone on the fence about reading this is what "The Reviewers" have to say.

 5 Star Reviewed by JesseWave


JK Hogan (she guest reviewed for J-Dub, but this is her FULL review)

Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews (also has an Interview with little ol' me)
MM Good Books

Live Your Life Buy the Book

 Sinfully Sexy Reviews Tucker & Jesse Pics

Thanks for all the great words! 

Live Long & Party On

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