Gonna keep this short and sweet. Some may have seen this on my facebook, but I'll repeat.
like every six months the question of why women write gay romance pops
up. I never understand it because I assume gender has nothing to do with
one's ability to write a character, or the human condition, or love. Seems you rarely see male authors
questioned on their ability to write female characters (unless he goes
full-on misogynistic then he deserves whatever lashings are doled out).
I've said it a million times and I'll say it
again, this genre is about equality and LOVE—LGBT,
male, female, trans*, christian, atheist... we're supposed to be a safe
place for one another here in the community of gay fiction. Gays, you
do a disservice biting the hand that votes for you, supports for you,
helps change minds and hearts; women, you're being douches being
judgmental of your peers who write for you. Why not practice being nice
to one another for a change, encouraging and lifting up? I for one want
to be remembered for putting a smile on at least one person's face in
this life, rather than being remembered for how much I criticized
And girls, I appreciate all you do (and the great things you write). Many of you are my Sheroes and I think the world of you.
Write on.
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